Trusting In That Which We Cannot See

Christy Tornelli
2 min readMay 5, 2021

At the beginning of this school year, we were called in each our own way to trust what laid before us, even without the sight of a visible path ahead. A few years ago, on a road trip home from seeing family, we made a last minute decision to stop off at the Grand Canyon. With the sun setting behind us as we sped down the highway, I realized we would arrive just after dark. Still I wanted to continue.

We arrived to an empty parking lot, chilled with the winter wind. We bundled up and set off down a dimly lit path towards The Mather Point overlook. Darkness filled the canyon and it stood in stark contrast to the star-filled, moonless night sky.

As we stood at the edge, I could feel the presence of the vastness and beauty that we faced, even if unseen. I’ve often thought back to that night as I planned for this school year. I embraced early on that we had to trust what was before us, even if we could not see it. That greater days were before us.

Now that this year is coming to an end and our collective goal of providing as close to a normal school year during a time that has been anything but normal has come to pass, I am filled with immense gratitude.

I find it ironic that I am sitting before the Grand Canyon as we approach the final weeks of the school year. To see it’s grandeur and experience the power of water flowing over millions of years is such a fitting metaphor for the year. Trusting in all we could not see has revealed something so beautiful. The beauty of this year is as beautiful as the canyon, both more so than I ever imagined!

We made it!



Christy Tornelli

Not just a mom, a wife, a sister, a daughter, & child/parent educator. Mostly a girl roaming through life, seeking to find beauty arising from beneath the mud.